The more I think about this the more angry I get.
Let Bachmann tell him that he doesn't deserve the funds from Social Security he paid into while he recovers along with losing both his legs in service to this country.
Or tell Carmelo Rodriquez who died of cancer after exposures in combat that he didn't earn the funds.
Or to Joshua Cope
Tell that to the men and women in this video that while the rest of us pay into the system with our money and expect to get help when we need it, they don't have the same right. Tell them that while we do a lot of talking about how much we love this country, these men and women loved it so much they were willing to die for it.
This is from Social Security
How Workers’ Compensation And Other Disability Payments May Affect Your Benefits
SSA Publication No. 05-10018, March 2010, ICN 454500 (En Español) [View .pdf] [Audio.mp3]
Disability payments from private sources, such as private pension or insurance benefits, do not affect your Social Security disability benefits.
However, workers’ compensation and other public disability benefits may reduce your Social Security benefits. Workers’ compensation benefits are paid to a worker because of a job-related injury or illness. They may be paid by federal or state workers’ compensation agencies, employers or by insurance companies on behalf of employers.
Other public disability payments that may affect your Social Security benefit are those paid by a federal, state or local government and are for disabling medical conditions that are not job-related. Examples are civil service disability benefits, state temporary disability benefits and state or local government retirement benefits that are based on disability.
If you receive workers’ compensation or other public disability benefits and Social Security disability benefits, the total amount of these benefits cannot exceed 80 percent of your average current earnings before you became disabled.
Some public benefits do not affect your Social Security disability benefits
If you receive Social Security disability benefits and one of the following types of public benefits,
your Social Security benefit will not be reduced:
Veterans Administration benefits;
State and local government benefits, if Social Security taxes were deducted from your earnings; or
Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
Thank you Veterans For Common Sense!
An email from them came with news from Michele Bachmann's site saying the plan is to cut off veterans and turn them over to Social Security. This at the same time the Republican folks are talking about wanting to make Social Security cuts and privatize it.
Cap increases in Department of Veterans Affairs health care spending, and reduce disability compensation to account for SS disability payments. Reduce Veterans’ Disability Compensation to account for Social Security Disability Insurance payments. $4.5 Billion
What Bachmann doesn't seem to understand is that troops are sent to war by politicians and act on behalf of the nation. THEY ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THIS NATION no matter if she likes it or not. If she doesn't think they are worth taking care of, then this woman shouldn't be where she is. How do the people of Minnesota feel about having her in congress when they have had so many serving in Iraq and Afghanistan while she wants to deny them care?
From the Disabled American Veterans
News Release - Disabled Veterans Decry Wrongheaded, 'Heartless' Budget Cuts
From Army Times
Bachmann plan would cut veterans benefits
By Rick Maze - Staff writer
Posted : Friday Jan 28, 2011 5:30:31 EST
Tea party favorite Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., has unveiled a plan for cutting $400 billion in federal spending that includes freezing Veterans Affairs Department health care spending and cutting veterans’ disability benefits.
Her proposed VA budget cuts would account for $4.5 billion of the savings included in the plan, posted on her official House of Representatives website.
Paul Sullivan, executive director of Veterans for Common Sense, said cutting veterans’ health care spending is an ill-advised move at a time when the number of veterans continues to grow as troops return from Iraq and Afghanistan. Sullivan said he finds it difficult to see how VA could freeze health care costs without hurting veterans.
“It is really astonishing to see this,” he said.
In a statement, Bachmann said her plan is intended for discussion purposes as an example of ways to cut federal spending to make it unnecessary to increase the current $14.3 trillion limit on the amount the U.S. government can borrow.
The debt ceiling will be reached sometime in March, according to economic forecasts, but many lawmakers — especially members of the tea party movement — have been talking about cutting federal spending either instead of, or as part of, a move to increase the debt limit.
Her list of cuts doesn’t explain the impact of freezing veterans’ health care funding, but the Congressional Budget Office said in a report issued in October that health care costs have been quickly increasing. VA’s health care budget was $44 billion in 2009, $48 billion in 2010 and is at $52 billion this year. The report forecasts a health care budget of $69 billion or higher by 2020 if trends continue, the report estimates.
Bachmann’s idea of cutting costs by reducing veterans’ disability compensation by the amount received in Social Security Disability Income is not new. The proposal, which would affect more than 150,000 veterans, has long been on a list of possible budget options prepared by the Congressional Budget Office, which describes the option as a way to “eliminate duplicate payment of public compensation for a single disability.”
After reading this post, I searched the web and have found nowhere (except for this post) that this representative said "veterans are not worth the money". The idea of cutting duplicate benefits for the same disability (per the Air Force news) is not new and is not unique to her. In my opinion the title of your post is off base and irresponsible. It amounts to an attack on the individual.
ReplyDeleteAs a Vietnam veteran who is currently receiving disability and as a taxpayer I am not threatened nor offended by the discussion of effective use of disability funding.
Do I think reducing disability compensation is a good idea? CERTAINLY NOT!
Do I think the funds available could be better utilized? Absolutely!
What do I believe should be done?
1) Stop attacking individuals.
2) Listen less to political views.
3) Go to the individuals and their families who are living with PTSD, TBI, etc. and find out what their needs are. They are the only ones who truly know the enemy they are fighting.
4) Include real life caregiver's input on the effectiveness of all existing and proposed VA treatment programs.
5) Accept that money spent is not the top priority in providing the needed service to our veterans, but realize that it is an issue that needs to be considered.
I ask that in the future you be less emotional and more factual in your reporting. You have the ability to be part of the problem or part of the solution. It's your choice.
I guess you didn't go to Veterans For Common Sense site or to Backmann's site to see where it came from. Cutting from Veterans is telling them they are not worth it. There is no nice way to put it or an acceptable way for anyone to defend cutting funds from veterans.
ReplyDeleteThe VA pays for disability caused by or linked to service. Social Security is open to all and not geared toward veterans.
There is no excuse for this from her or the party platform. Veterans have not had what they need for far too long. The same folks demanding tax cuts for the wealthy are the same ones now trying to pay for those same cuts by going after veterans. If you have no problem with this, you may have everything you need but understand far too many veterans get nothing including the unconditional support of the American people.
Actually I did go to both Veterans For Common Sense site and to Backmann's site and I stand by my statement that neither indicate that this representative made any statement regarding the worth of a veteran. Do you really think you can come up with an amount of money that would make what my wife and kids have put up with over the last 42 years worth it?
ReplyDeleteHow much is it worth to relocate your young family in and out of 13 houses over 5 states and change job 6 times in the first 4 years after you left the army?
How much is it worth to know something is so wrong that you finally go to counseling and they determine that you have PTSD and send you to the VA for help. But it's the 80's and the VA doctor spends 15 minutes with you and determines that you don't have PTSD, and sends you out the door.
So your family cuts back so that you can pay for the counseling that you desperately need.
How much is it worth to invest everything you have into a farm so that you can work for yourself and will no longer have to keep moving the family only to lose everything and be forced to start over.
How much is it worth to be diagnosed with cancer in 1990 and go to the VA for help and be told that it is not service connected and because you make $8000 per year (you are a category C) so the VA can only treat you if a bed is available?
How much is it worth to find good Radiologists, Surgeons, Nurses and Techs (all VA employees) who work the system and fight the administators to get you the VA treatment that gives you a shot at survival?
How much is it worth to end up with heart attacks and quadruple coronary artery grafts, but now it's 2009 and the VA says file a claim its on the Agent Orange list? And golly bum! they speed the claim through so fast that it only takes 11 months to process.
I am interested in just what amount you come up with so that I know what you think I am worth.
Yes you are correct I do have all that I need and as you can tell from the above I always have had it. In fact when I got back to the world the American people were so supportive that when they noticed my face was sunburned and dry they spit in it just to moisten it up I guess.
My point in this whole rant is that money spent or not spent on veterans programs are not an indication of a veterans worth.
I hope you are or will read (as I do)many of the Blogs that these young warriors and there spouses put out and realize that there is no amount of money that will make what they have to endure worth it.
I truly believe that funding is one of the minor problems in getting the veterans the help they need, but remains one of the major excuses for not getting that help. Is the insensitive shrink there because of poor funding, I bet they don't get any less than the good ones. Do doctors that tend to over medicate work cheeper than the good ones. Does it cost less to process a claim in a year than it does in a month. Should we be listening to what Michele Obama (or any other political figure) thinks the veterans' needs are or should we be listening to the warriors and their wives about what their needs are. Does it really cost more for individual to provide good service than it does for those individuals to provide bad service.
If there is one thing I know about it is anger and anger can motivate people to achieve great things and it can also hurt the very people that you are trying to save. But anger is never a good excuse for hurting people.
To infer that the amount of money spent on veterans somehow is related to their worth is unacceptable to me and it hurts. I believe you in your anger have injected the worth element into the story not the congresswoman nor the Veterans for Common Sense people.
My wife and I are both veterans, me disabled her not, and we both feel thrown under the bus. I have been out of work since I discharged March 08 and her since Dec 08. We are both students, but Post 9-11 hasn't paid BAH. She has been trying to get appointments to work on her disability packet, but that has been hell.
ReplyDeleteIts the 1st, my disability isn't enough. Not enough for rent, utilities, expenses, diapers, food...I can't go to school because I can't afford transportation, and if I miss classes I lose funding and owe money, but I can't afford to go because VA hasn't done the paper work to get me there.
Every number, every office has given me the same "sorry we can't help" answer....and today, the day that I can't wait any longer the national call center takes a snow day. I didn't realize that people stopped living on days when the snow falls harder...I am sorry that VA rep so and so in snowing state where ever can't get to work....but I need him/her there because here in the warmer states we still need our paperwork, our support, our hotlines to be working.
If it isn't about getting the VA more support to utilize their funding and increase (create) efficiency then it doesn't even need to be said. No such thing as cutting from veterans, and don't ask us to not be emotional...we sacrificed for this nation and since I got out I have gotten almost nothing but sh*t on by the government.
Even IRS wants their piece...I can't work so I had to collect UI last season has come and they say I owe them more money because I didn't UI is over....where do I have the money to pay someone when I haven't been earning any money anyways? Am I going insane....oh I must be, because I already have mental health from my service, so this must just be insanity
No veteran should go through any of this. This is a battle the rest of the country needs to fight. People like Bachmann don't have a clue but what is worse is they don't want to get clued in at all.
ReplyDeleteDepending on where you live, you could get great care and an easier claims process. Here in Central Florida it is harder to have a claim approved, the VA hospital is in Tampa and we have a huge clinic in the Orlando area. A new veterans' hospital is being built in Lake Nona. This was even political. The groundbreaking ceremony was in October 2008, just before elections. It is not due to be open until 2012!
The best advice I can give you is to contact the Disabled American Veterans, the VFW or the American Legion for help with your claim. Telling you that there are many other veterans waiting for what should have been ready won't make your life any easier. That is one of the biggest reasons you need help getting through the VA process and they can tell you what is available for you in your area.
Believe me, I know what it's like. My husband's claim took six years but he's a Vietnam Vet and when we were fighting to have his claim approved, it was not news.